Contact Us

If you would like to help out with this year’s Patriot Days celebrations, please contact the person sponsoring that particular event

Patriot Days 2024 Chair
Les Strong

P: 902-802-4220

Fultz House Flag Raising/Affirmation and Bean Dinner
P: 902-865-3794

Location of Events

Downsview Mall - L. Sackville
First Lake - L. Sackville
Fultz House Museum - 33 Sackville Drive
Kinsmen Park, First Lake - Murdock McKay Memorial - 71 First Lake Drive
Sackawa Canoe Club - First Lake Drive
Sackville Arena - Glendale Drive
Sackville Drive - Lower Sackville
SLRC - Springfield Lake Recreation Centre - 266 Lakeview Ave. Phone: 902-865-9449
Rock Church - Sackville Drive

All events are free unless indicated with a ($)

* For last-minute changes or more information, please come back to this page or check out our group on Facebook: Sackville Patriot Days